CooLabora is an organization with an intervention anchored in the territory of Cova da Beira, which includes the municipalities of Belmonte, Covilhã and Fundão and its action seeks to respond to the demands of that territory.
It is structured around three main axes: 1) Promotion of equality between women and men and combating domestic violence and violence against women; 2) Specific support for people in a situation of particular vulnerability and 3) Promotion of initiatives based on the experimentation of societal alternatives.

I. Equality between women and men and combating domestic and gender-based violence

Equality between women and men is one of CooLabora’s central focus because this is also the most structural inequality that crosses our society.

Therefore, we promote and support the activism around equality through the organization of events, awareness-raising, training, campaigns etc.

In the area of domestic violence and against women, CooLabora has also a very strong action, namely, through the coordination of the territorial strategy to prevent and combat domestic violence and violence against women in Cova da Beira region and in supporting victims through two offices located in Belmonte and Covilhã.

II. Initiatives with people and groups in vulnerable situations

One of CooLabora’s main concerns is combating situations of social injustice and contributing to a more solidary and cohesive society. Therefore, it has a more incisive action with social groups and people in a situation of particular vulnerability, such as Roma communities, victims of a profound discrimination; children and young people from the most disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds and with a difficult relationship with school, and people in poverty who have difficulties in meeting their basic needs.

III. Societal Alternatives

CooLabora seeks to discover, to disseminate and to promote alternative, locally-based initiatives that contribute to greater social justice, ecological sustainability and the deepening of democracy.

In this area, we promote civic debates, support solidarity initiatives and economic relations aimed at increasing collective well-being and creating greater local economic autonomy. And we do this, for example, organizing exchange fairs with social currency and creating collaborative platforms for sustainable consumption.